Each Post Meta Description for Blogger Blogspot

How to create different meta description and meta keywords in every single posts/articles/pages automatically in blogger blogspot using blog post titles.

To achieve better SERP and SEO, each and every articles we write in our blog has to have its own meta description which should be different with that of mainpage’s. This can be easily done in a self-hosted wordpress blog: All in One SEO Pack or Platinum SEO Pack plugins will do the task. Not for a blogger blogspot hosted blog.
There are some few hacks to do this in blogger blogspot. The following hack is the one I like the most and I used for my blog.

Here is how to do it:
1. Login to your -> Layout -> Edit HTML
2. Copy and Paste the following code, and put it immediately after <head>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<META CONTENT='Just another tech blog.Full with tips and tricks to
make your life easier.Download,Know and share with your friends' NAME='Description'/>
<meta content='computer,software,review,developer,Mobile,Code,
bash,ubuntu,xp,vista,sms,mms,picture,message,rpm,free,download' name='keywords'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot; – Just another tech blog.Full with tips and tricks to make your life easier download,Know and share with your friends &quot;' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot; computer,software,review,developer,Mobile,Code,
bash,ubuntu,xp,vista,sms,mms,picture,message,rpm,free,download &quot;' name='keywords'/>

3. Change the meta content description and keywords as you like.
4. Click Save Template

1. When search engine visits the main page, it will show the main page meta description and keywords
2. When search engine visits a particular page / post / article, it will show the title as its meta description and meta keywords. Thus different from the main page.

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